Bank card payment systems provide protection against payments. Visa payment cards 'security is carried out through "Verified by Visa" and "MasterCard" owners' payment through "MasterCard Secure Code" service. Visa payment cards 'security is carried out through "Verified by Visa" and "MasterCard" owners' payment through "MasterCard Secure Code" service. Additionally, EPUL uses "3D-Secure" technology to prevent any fraud that may be available, in addition to existing security measures. Thus, the system will require you to receive a unique one-time password if you make any payment through a bank card over the Internet. This password will be sent to your registered phone number in the form of SMS notification. Once you have confirmed your identity with this rule, the transaction will be completed in the usual mode. Use of 3D-Secure technology with one-off passwords is safer than a permanent password (once registered). Thus, it is likely that the regular password will be seized by fraudsters, while the one-time password will be sent to your mobile number in the form of SMS when attempting to operate.